Everything That You Should Know About Red Corals

What is a Red Coral?

Red coral or often referred to as Precious coral, is the name given to a genus of marine corals called Corallium. The demarcating characteristic of precious corals is their durability and intensely red or pink-orange colored skeleton, which is predominantly used for making jewelry.

What is Opal?

Opal is a hydrated unstructured form of silica. Its water content ranges from 3 to 21% by weight. Its formlessness character is classified as a mineraloid, whereas crystalline forms of silica are known as minerals. It is settled at a relatively low temperature and may found in the fissures of rock with rhyolite, marllimonite, sandstone, and basalt.

Where is the occurrence of Red Coral Opal Gemstone?

They are found predominantly in parts of South Africa, Algeria, India, Italy, Australia, Sri Lanka, Japan, Malasia, and the U.S.A

What are its physical properties?

lt has many distinguishable properties like:-

  • It is a product of the sea, which is found in warm waters at a moderate depth.
  • It is composed mainly of calcium carbonate and silica.
  • It is formed from the chalky skeletons of myriads of tiny polyps. 
  • They can be displayed as fibers scattering from the central axis of the meandering coral branches.
  • It is an opaque stone.
  • Specific Gravity is 2.68, and hardness is a little less than 4 considering Moh’s scale.
  • Corals exist in many colors and forms, but Red, Pink, Blue, Black, and white corals are only used in jewelry.
  • It is not lustrous naturally. It needs polishing and waxing in order to exhibit on a smooth, glossy surface.
  • They are extensively used for statement necklaces and rings, and other delicate pieces.
  • They are often shaped into beads, cabochons, or cameos.
  • Their main features include being very soft, organic and affordable.


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